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6000% Increase in Reported Vaccine Deaths 1st Quarter 2021 Compared to 1st Quarter 2020
By truthunmuted As can be expected when new experimental “vaccines” that are not approved by the FDA are given emergency use...

Natural Alternatives To Xanax, Ativan, And Anti-Anxiety Drugs
By Dean Albane via Anxiety has reached epidemic proportions in the United States with over 40 million people affected. Anxiety...

Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine:Short-Term Efficacy & Safety Data
By physiciansforinformedconsent 1. WHAT IS THE PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE? The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is made from...

The Dirty Details in Pedialyte
Pedialyte is HIGHLY recommended by many doctors for electrolyte replenishment. Many parents give this to their children without even...

Plummeting sperm counts, shrinking penises: toxic chemicals threaten humanity
By Erin Brockovich via theguardian The chemicals to blame for our reproductive crisis are found everywhere and in everything. The end of...

Former Merck Scientists Sue Merck Alleging MMR Vaccine Efficacy Fraud
By ahrp Stephen A. Krahling and Joan A. Wlochowski, former Merck virologists blew the whistle by filing a qui tam action lawsuit — U.S. v...

mRNA "Vaccines" Are Not Vaccines
I have previously posted about Wakefield's brief breakdown of mRNA vaccines. To recap his statements: "DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid is the...

CDC Issues First Set of Guidelines on How Fully Vaccinated People Can Visit Safely with Others
By the CDC Press Release For Immediate Release: Monday, March 8, 2021 Contact: Media Relations (404) 639-3286 Today, the Centers for...

BOMBSHELL: Numbers in the New CDC Report Destroy the Case for Mask Mandates
By Patrick Howley via nationalfile The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report Friday in which it quietly...

Pro-Vaccine PhD Immunologist Admits No Scientific Merit For Vaccinating Infants
By Dave Mihalovic via preventdisease Not a single scientist, immunologist, infectious disease specialist or medical doctor has ever been...

History of Infectious Disease and Vaccination in the United States
By Marcella Piper-Terry via vaxtruth This article presents an overview of the history of infectious disease in the United States as it...

Tdap Vaccinations for All Pregnant Women in Brazil Mandated in Late 2014
By Marco Caceres via thevaccinereaction In October 2014, the Brazilian Ministry of Health’s Epidemiological Surveillance Center “Prof....

Mustard Gas – From the Great War to Frontline Chemotherapy
By Sarah Hazell via scienceblog.cancerresearchuk One hundred years ago a great conflict began that would change the world forever. World...

New Study Finds Masks Harm Children
By Reagan Hall via montanadailygazette A new study, involving over 25,000 school-aged children, shows that masks are harming...

New Study: Hep B Vaccine “May Have Adverse Implications For Brain Development and Cognition”
By JB Handley via CHD “We have previously verified that neonatal hepatitis B vaccination induced hippocampal neuroinflammation and...

Ex Program Director At National Cancer Institute Calls Out The “Medical Establishment”
By Arjun Walia via collective-evolution A number of prominent doctors and scientists have shared their criticisms in peer-reviewed...

Safety, Effectiveness of Tdap in Pregnant Women Questionable
By Barbara Loe Fisher and Rishma Parpia via thevaccinereaction The Tdap vaccine is a combination of the Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis...

Antibiotic Resistance: Some Contributing Factors
By Rishma Parpia via thevaccinereaction Ever since the discovery of the antibiotic commonly known as penicillin in the late-1920s,...

Some Flu Shot Facts
Monthly, I have written about VAERS and compensation to vaccine-injured American Citizens. In these posts, the FLU VACCINE is...

Avoiding Acetaminophen Overdose + 5 Natural Alternatives
By Dr. Axe Acetaminophen overdose accounts for more than 56,000 emergency room visits, 26,000 hospitalizations and an estimated 458...

Top Bottled Water Risks: Are You Drinking This Toxic Rip-Off?
By Leah Zerbe via Dr. Axe Bottled water risks include more than just draining your bank account. You see, those single-use bottles found...

German Biologist, Dr. Stefan Lanka, Claims There is No Measles Virus
By Dave Mihalovic via preventdisease In a recent ruling, judges at the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) confirmed that the measles...

Pollution Found in Umbilical Cord Blood
By ewg Summary. In the month leading up to a baby's birth, the umbilical cord pulses with the equivalent of at least 300 quarts of blood...

New Studies Reveal Vaccine Harm
By Joseph Mercola via thevaccinereaction When it comes to vaccine safety, a complaint that I’ve frequently expressed is the lack of...
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