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Natural Immunity: 30 Scientific Studies to Share with Employers, Health Officials, & Politicians
By Brownstone Institute From the beginning of the March 2020 lockdowns for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the subject of natural immunity (also...

UC Berkeley Researcher Links Cellphone Radiation to Increased Risk of Brain Cancer
By Andie Liu via dailycal Cellphone use of 17 minutes per day over the course of 10 years is associated with a 60% increase in brain...

Fertility Rates are Dropping Around the World
By Kate Raines via thevaccinereaction Warnings about a global population explosion and what that will mean to the future of the planet...

April 26, 2021 By Dain Pascocello via An AFLDS Issue Brief for Citizens, Policymakers and Physicians...

A Highly Censored Article: "Facemasks in the COVID-19 era: A health hypothesis"
By Sciencedirect Abstract Many countries across the globe utilized medical and non-medical facemasks as non-pharmaceutical intervention...

Women Are at Higher Risk for COVID Vaccine Reactions Than Men
By Kate Raines via thevaccinereaction Women are reportedly at greater risk of experiencing side effects from the experimental COVID-19...

No Evidence Vaccines Will Block Spread of Coronavirus
By Marco Caceres via thevaccinereaction On Nov. 9, 2020, Pfizer, Inc. announced that the experimental messenger RNA (mRNA) BNT162b2...

Plummeting sperm counts, shrinking penises: toxic chemicals threaten humanity
By Erin Brockovich via theguardian The chemicals to blame for our reproductive crisis are found everywhere and in everything. The end of...

Former Merck Scientists Sue Merck Alleging MMR Vaccine Efficacy Fraud
By ahrp Stephen A. Krahling and Joan A. Wlochowski, former Merck virologists blew the whistle by filing a qui tam action lawsuit — U.S. v...

CDC Issues First Set of Guidelines on How Fully Vaccinated People Can Visit Safely with Others
By the CDC Press Release For Immediate Release: Monday, March 8, 2021 Contact: Media Relations (404) 639-3286 Today, the Centers for...

Are AirPods Safe? The Truth & EMF Health Risks of Wireless Earpods
By Daniel Debaun via defendershield AirPods. You see them everywhere. In subways, at the gym, on airplanes, in the office, in classrooms...

New Study Finds Masks Harm Children
By Reagan Hall via montanadailygazette A new study, involving over 25,000 school-aged children, shows that masks are harming...

No such thing as Asymptomatic Transmission of COVID-19, a study of 10 million finds
By healthfreedomidaho Eagerly accepting the idea that not-sick people make other people sick (and should be responsible for it too) is an...

U.S. Surveillance Bill 6666: The Devil in the Details
By Joseph Mercola via TheVaccineReaction Opinion | As if vaccine passports, COVID-19 contact tracing apps and the Rockefeller...

Fauci Urges Americans to Get Flu Shots in the Name of Health - Science Says Otherwise
Fauci is apparently "urging Americans to get the flu shot to decrease their risk of Alzheimer's disease". Unfortunately, science is not...

“Nobody Needs to Die” – Frontline Doctors Storm D.C.
By Brian Shilhavy via VaccineImpact America’s Frontline Doctors stormed into Washington D.C. today to host their first annual White Coat...

Doctors Caught on Tape Plotting to Take Custody of Newborns Whose Parents Refuse Vitamin K Shots
By Megan Fox via PJ Media After a class-action lawsuit was filed in October against several hospitals, Illinois Department of Children...

By Anthony Cuthbertson via IndependentCOUK Samsung has revealed its plans for 6G technology, outlining its vision for “digital twins” of...

Plastics & pesticides: Health Impacts of Synthetic Chemicals in US Products Doubled in Last 5 Years
By Sandee LaMotte via CNN The proof is piling up: Many synthetic chemicals can harm your health and that of your children. Evidence has...

Experimental COVID Vaccines Are Giving People Fevers, Headaches, and More
By Dan Robitzski via Futurism It’s difficult to overstate the urgency of developing a safe, effective vaccine that protects against...

American coronavirus vaccine killed five Ukrainians
Via ENNewsFront In Kharkiv, people are testing an anticoid vaccine from the United States; the American authorities did not conduct tests...

Surge Pushes Epic Charter Schools to Highest Enrollment in State
By Nuria Martinez-Keel via TheOklahoman Epic Charter Schools has grown into the largest school system in Oklahoma amid pandemic demands...

First Active Leaks of Methane Found on Antarctic Seabed
By Harry Cockburn via IndependentCoUK Microbes which consume potent greenhouse gas had only proliferated in small numbers after five...
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