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Sleep Deprivation & The Immune System
Sleep is so important to the body in many ways. If you've found yourself feeling sleep deprived, it's important to remedy this issue for...

Synthetic Tea Bags
@livevitae states: "CALLING ALL TEA DRINKERS If you care for your health & want to be informed of your choices, read more & swipe...

New Products in the Shop!
Hey there, I hope you're doing well! I wanted to make sure you were aware of an exciting announcement that I have not publicly...

Peanuts and Smackcines
By HealthFreedomIdaho What do peanuts and vaccines have in common? Well, you’re probably thinking that some people have allergic...

New Human Fetal Cell Line Available for Vaccine Production
By Marco Caceres via TheVaccineReaction Since the 1960s, a number of vaccines have been manufactured using “human-diploid fibroblast cell...

20 Facts
By Health Freedom Idaho There is clear evidence that vaccines are produced using the bodies of aborted human beings and experimentation...

The Salk Polio Vaccine “Tragedy”
By Marco Caceres via History is a powerful thing. If you accurately tell the story of an event that occurred, you...

Overprescribed: High cost isn’t America’s only drug problem
By Shannon Brownlee and Judith Garber via The pharmaceutical industry has followed a brilliant two-pronged strategy to...

DTP Increases Mortality 5-Fold, In Study Without Healthy User Bias
By “All currently available evidence suggests that DTP vaccine may kill more children from other causes than it saves...

Education: Aluminum Vaccine Risk Statement (VRS)
By physiciansforinformedconsent 1. WHAT IS ALUMINUM? Aluminum is a silvery-white, moldable, and durable light metal. These qualities make...

Researchers Found Variable Aluminum Content in Infant Vs Inaccurately Measured and Reported
By Kate Raines via Bioinorganic chemist Christopher Exley, PhD, who has spent decades researching, writing and...

Syntocinon is not Oxytocin
By @michellepalasia via IG Syntocinon is not Oxytocin Oxytocin is a natural hormone made by the body. It cannot be bottled. It cannot be...

Breast Implant Illness + 6 Other Breast Implant Dangers
By Kathleen McCoy via The quest for perfection has never been higher. Reality TV, advertisements and the media constantly...

EWG’s Healthy Living: Guide to Safer Diapers
By Sydney Swanson via EWG Babies and young children typically spend the majority of their first years in diapers. But many disposable...

A Quick 'Did You Know'?
Did you know: Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children in the United States? Guess what other cause of death is at the...

Amalgam Filling Education
A lot of people have these hazardous fillings in their mouths. So what's the skinny and what does one do about removal? (If you're...

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Heavy Metal Toxicity
Did you know that chronic fatigue can be a symptom of heavy metal toxicity? One of the biggest changes my husband and I have noticed...

Researcher: 'We Made a Big Mistake'
By Dr. Mercola The more we learn about the COVID-19 vaccines, the worse they look. In a recent interview1 with Alex Pierson (above),...

Fertility Rates are Dropping Around the World
By Kate Raines via thevaccinereaction Warnings about a global population explosion and what that will mean to the future of the planet...

Mother's Milk Positive for Chemicals Causing Birth Defects
By Dr. Mercola via articles.mercola In the 20th century, scientists developed a group of complex, manmade chemicals called per- and...

Foremilk, Hindmilk - What's the Difference?
By therefreshedhealth Getting too much knowledge about breastfeeding sometimes can be confusing and distressing for new moms. Discussions...

Via Alvin Moss, M.D., FACP, FAAHPM, being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am the Director of the West Virginia...

April 26, 2021 By Dain Pascocello via An AFLDS Issue Brief for Citizens, Policymakers and Physicians...

Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier?
Three groundbreaking studies examined what federal health officials admit they’ve never investigated — whether vaccines improve overall...
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