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GBS During Pregnancy + Natural Alternatives
I get a lot of questions about GBS during pregnancy. As with any other topic in relation to health choices, there ARE choices! I love...

New Study Finds Masks Harm Children
By Reagan Hall via montanadailygazette A new study, involving over 25,000 school-aged children, shows that masks are harming...

By Christine Ruggeri via draxe Many of our friends and family members have been duped to believe that artificial sweeteners like Splenda®...

Hepatitis B Vaccine Triples the Risk of Autism in Infant Boys
By Dr. Mercola A new study has shown that giving Hepatitis B vaccine to newborn baby boys more than triples their risk of developing an...

New Study: Hep B Vaccine “May Have Adverse Implications For Brain Development and Cognition”
By JB Handley via CHD “We have previously verified that neonatal hepatitis B vaccination induced hippocampal neuroinflammation and...

Pregnancy Gestational Diabetes Test + Safer Alternatives
Did you drink this for your gestational diabetes test when you were pregnant? Are you aware of how toxic this mixture is? This glucose...

Ex Program Director At National Cancer Institute Calls Out The “Medical Establishment”
By Arjun Walia via collective-evolution A number of prominent doctors and scientists have shared their criticisms in peer-reviewed...

Safety, Effectiveness of Tdap in Pregnant Women Questionable
By Barbara Loe Fisher and Rishma Parpia via thevaccinereaction The Tdap vaccine is a combination of the Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis...

Antibiotic Resistance: Some Contributing Factors
By Rishma Parpia via thevaccinereaction Ever since the discovery of the antibiotic commonly known as penicillin in the late-1920s,...

Disinfectant Chemicals
By LeeAnn Anita If you’re concerned in any way about 'injecting disinfectant', you may want to consider skipping those vaccines for your...

Pechoti Intake Method
PSA: Did you know you can utilize Cannabis Oil by applying in and around the belly button via a technique called the Pechoti intake...

Some Flu Shot Facts
Monthly, I have written about VAERS and compensation to vaccine-injured American Citizens. In these posts, the FLU VACCINE is...

7 Signs of Leaky Gut Syndrome
By Dr. Axe If you’ve been around the natural health world very long, you’ve probably heard of a condition known as leaky gut syndrome. It...

How to Read a Probiotic Label (Plus Best Probiotic Strains to Look For)
By Jill Levy via Dr. Axe Probiotics are now one of the most widely used supplements by the general public — and for good reason,...

MTHFR Gene Mutation Information
Did you know that many medical professionals are unaware of the MTHFR gene mutation and its implications? Which is quite concerning...

Study: Junk Food more Deadly than War, Famine, Genocide
By Christina Sarich via consciouslifenews You may already know that junk food is bad for your health, but you may not realize how bad it...

Avoiding Acetaminophen Overdose + 5 Natural Alternatives
By Dr. Axe Acetaminophen overdose accounts for more than 56,000 emergency room visits, 26,000 hospitalizations and an estimated 458...

Top Bottled Water Risks: Are You Drinking This Toxic Rip-Off?
By Leah Zerbe via Dr. Axe Bottled water risks include more than just draining your bank account. You see, those single-use bottles found...

Toxic Sunscreen Ingredients + Alternatives & A Recipe
Many sunscreens contain toxic chemicals that cause more damage to the body than a little sunburn ever will. Let's review the top 6 toxic...

Banned Brominated Vegetable Oil in Popular Drinks & Soda
By Gloria Tsang via healthcastle Have you heard of brominated vegetable oil, or BVO? If you drink sports drinks like Gatorade or sodas...

Folate Versus Folic Acid
This question is asked a lot, especially by pregnant mamas. So let's break it down! Folate and folic acid are different forms of vitamin...

Eat An Anti-Cancer Diet: 6 Steps
By Dr. Axe While we’ve done articles about cancer-causing foods that you want to make sure you’re NOT eating, I wanted to discuss some...

German Biologist, Dr. Stefan Lanka, Claims There is No Measles Virus
By Dave Mihalovic via preventdisease In a recent ruling, judges at the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) confirmed that the measles...

Benefits of Unschooling From an Academic Perspective
By Judy Arnall via todaysparent Many people ask, “How do kids pick up 12 grades of knowledge if they don’t go to school or homeschool?”...
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