By Mike Adams at Natural News

(Natural News) A new study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases finds that children who received inactivated influenza vaccines were 440% more likely (relative risk: 4.40; 95% confidence interval: 1.31-14.8) to acquire infections of respiratory viral pathogens which are not influenza. With the aggressive push for influenza immunizations now under way, the medical establishment may be setting up children to be extremely vulnerable to coronavirus infections.
Titled, “Increased Risk of Noninfluenza Respiratory Virus Infections Associated With Receipt of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine,” the study is found at this link at the National Library of Medicine:
The study finds that flu shots quite literally inactivate parts of the human immune system, rendering the child more vulnerable to coronavirus infections. “Being protected against influenza, trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine recipients may lack temporary non-specific immunity that protected against other respiratory viruses,” the study authors write.
The study authors explain that the influenza vaccine works to prevent influenza virus infections, but at the same time it makes children more susceptible to other respiratory infections. Since the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) for seasonal influenza is so low (around 0.024%, which is not a typo), and the Infection Fatality Rate of covid-19 infections is at least one order of magnitude higher, it raises the obvious question:
Would it save more lives of children to avoid administering flu shots this year and therefore reduce their vulnerability to covid-19, which has a far higher fatality rate?
The study, which was conducted in 2009, observed the outcomes of 115 children aged 6 – 16 years. The study also used a placebo group and found that placebo made “no statistically significant difference” in the risk of acute respiratory infection risk.
But children who received influenza vaccines had a much higher risk of respiratory infections.
Even more shockingly, the study also found no difference in the risk of seasonal influenza infections between those children who were vaccinated vs. those who weren’t. In other words, the influenza vaccine offered no protection against the flu, but it created increased vulnerability to other respiratory infections. (No benefits, just increased risks.) “There was no statistically significant difference in the risk of confirmed seasonal influenza infection between recipients of TIV or placebo,” the study explains.
You can see the increased number of respiratory infections in this chart. Note the “TIV” column means those children who were vaccinated with an influenza vaccine:
The conclusion is that influenza vaccines make children more susceptible to other respiratory viral infections. From the study, which took place more than a decade before the arrival of the covid-19 pandemic:
We identified a statistically significant increased risk of noninfluenza respiratory virus infection among TIV recipients (Table 3), including significant increases in the risk of rhinovirus and coxsackie/echovirus infection, which were most frequently detected in March 2009, immediately after the peak in seasonal influenza activity in February 2009.
The study authors point out that the influenza vaccine, “could increase influenza immunity at the expense of reduced immunity to noninfluenza respiratory viruses, by some unknown biological mechanism,” although they also state more research is needed because some of the self-reporting of symptoms may have introduced “artifacts” which could sway the numbers. Nevertheless, the study authors also state that this phenomenon of “viral interference” is well known:
Participants who received TIV would have been protected against influenza in February 2009 but then would not have had heightened nonspecific immunity in the following weeks… The phenomenon of virus interference has been well known in virology for >60 years [24–27]. Ecological studies have reported phenomena potentially explained by viral interference [3–11]… Interference in respiratory and gastrointestinal infections has been reported after receipt of live oral poliovirus vaccine [29–32].
Those who push flu shots may be worsening the coronavirus pandemic
The upshot of this research is that those who are pushing flu shots for children may in fact be worsening the coronavirus pandemic, creating “perfect storm” conditions for children to become carriers of the Wuhan coronavirus that causes covid-19.
This is consistent with the fact that we now know the medical establishment has acted to deliberately worsen covid-19 fatalities by, for example, conspiring the destroy the credibility of hydroxychloroquine, working to maximize fatalities in order to reap a windfall of profits from the coronavirus vaccine.
Yes, the medical and science establishment quite literally arranges for more people to die in order to keep the coronavirus fear alive, resulting in more demand for high-profit vaccines.
As always, it’s all about the money. As Gary Heavin recently wrote in a warning to America, Big Pharma operatives are “accessories to murder.”
How does Big Pharma have so much control over the dissemination of this information or should I say propaganda? Well, the same answer pops up again, money. Big Pharma gave $2 billion dollars during the last election cycle to US politicians. Big AG, the military/security complex and big oil each gave only a paltry $1.0 billion dollars to buy the votes of our political leadership.
The MSM counts Big Pharma’s advertising revenue at up to 80% of their income. The internet’s “masters of the universe” also kowtow to Big Pharma’s influence and advertising dollars by censoring anyone who tries to tell the American people the truth about Covid 19.
It certainly appears that anyone who is complicit in this Great Deception, a deception that is designed to kill and terrify enough people to ultimately beg for an experimental vaccine, well, these people would be accessories to murder.
Flu shots are being hyped to suppress immune systems and create an explosion in coronavirus infections
Flu shots, it seems, are one more way the medical establishment can literally murder children and adults, creating widespread vulnerability to the coronavirus pandemic which will no doubt surge back this Fall as flu shots work to suppress the immune systems of millions.
Recognize that the people pushing flu shots are medical murderers, and many are deliberately trying to kill as many people as possible to create demand for the high-profit coronavirus vaccines that are about to be unleashed on America, probably before the end of this year.
It’s the perfect crime: Manufacture vaccines that suppress the immune system right in the middle of a pandemic, causing more infections and deaths, leading to more calls for mandatory vaccines. The drug companies will cash in to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars while innocent children and adults all across America needlessly suffer and die.
As usual, it’s all about the money, and the vaccine / drug cartels are murderous, criminal regimes that twisted science (Dr. Fauci?) to maximize profits at any cost.
Read more about the dangers of vaccines at
(Read the full article here)
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