By Dane Wigington via WakeUpWorld

Industrialized/militarized society is, unfortunately, filled with individuals who are willing to do anything or say anything, so long as it provides a paycheck, a pension, and (what they perceive as) a secure place in the world’s most powerful tribe — and the climate engineering field is no exception.
The global climate engineering/weather warfare assault is the greatest and most immediate threat faced by humanity and the web of life, short of nuclear cataclysm. Obscuring skies all over the globe, highly toxic heavy metals and chemicals from these illegal programs are supersaturating our breathable air column and thus contaminating every breath we take. So, when specific individuals have made a career out of helping to cover up the criminal geoengineering programs by their “professional” public denial, these individuals need to be exposed.
The “scientists” in question are paid to pretend geoengineering is only a “proposal” which helps to pacify the population in regard to the threat already posed by ongoing geoengineering programs — and “Carnegie Science” appears to be major sponsor of the ongoing climate engineering cover-up and disinformation campaign.
The 3 minute first video, below, from Carnegie representative Ben Kravitz is a very revealing example of the “geoengineering is just a proposal” deception. Two more primary actors in the geoengineering deception effort (also part of “Carnegie Science”) are Dr. Ken Caldeira and Douglas MacMartin (AKA Douglass MacMynowski) who appear in the following 10 minute video. Do you think their acting is convincing?
Yet another “Carnegie Science” climate engineering disinformation representative is Dr. David Keith. Keith has helped to draft the new “study”, excerpted below. Ken Caldeira and Doug MacMartin (AKA MacMynowski) also contributed to this “study”.
Carnegie Council Announces Launch of Carnegie Climate Geoengineering Governance Initiative
Two excerpts from this report are below:
“There is a considerable lack of understanding of the governance requirements for addressing climate geoengineering—technologies that fundamentally require multilateral governance approaches… This is what the C2G2 Initiative plans to address.”
“… there is no comprehensive international framework to govern these technologies, which have planetary-wide consequences, pose many serious, unknown risks, and raise profound ethical questions.”
So, what did Ken Caldeira do when he worked as a scientist for the United States government? In the 1 minute video below you can hear some of the shocking answers in Mr. Caldeira’s own words. “Highlights” include how to spray pathogens into clouds to infect the populations below, how to create tsunamis that destroy coastal cities, and using weather as a weapon, etc.
In the 5 minute video below, David Keith (who has also been exposed publicly by Stephen Colbert) has stated at an international science conference that the goal of geoengineering is to put 10,000,000 tons of aluminum nanoparticules into the atmosphere annually, by jet aircraft dispersion.
This final 2 minute video (below) is of Mr. MacMartin (AKA Mr. MacMynowski) explaining how we can “test” global geoengineering programs.
With all the above information considered (along with other geoengineering studies and solar radiation management reports drafted by Douglas MacMartin), the dialog shown below becomes very relevant. It is a full transcript of my very recent communications with Douglas MacMartin in which he compares “believing” that geoengineering is already deployed, is to believe that “the moon is made of blue cheese”.
The conversation with “Carnegie Science” climate engineering disinformation representative Douglas MacMartin (AKA MacMynowski) began from an initial message sent to MacMartin from a very dedicated and credible anti-geoengineering activist, Maciej Kocialkowski, who expressed his very dire and justified concerns about climate engineering to Mr. MacMartin.
Response to Maciej from Douglas MacMartin (AKA Douglass MacMynowski):
Good day Maciej, I am sorry that you have been so deliberately deceived, but if you were a decent human being you would learn the facts before accusing other people of bad behaviour. Theory #1: Clouds are made of water vapour Theory #2: There is a vast conspiracy of hundreds of thousands of people in every single country on the planet, not one of whom is willing to break the silence and acknowledge that clouds are, in fact, not made of water vapour. Personally I find Theory #1 to be more likely, but I understand that there are some people on the planet who find Theory #2 to be compelling, and that they are even capable of taking pictures and posting them on websites; just because they know how to use a camera and know how to type doesn’t mean that you should trust what they say. Like I said, I’m sorry you’ve been deceived by dishonourable people, but please don’t accuse us of lying when we tell you that clouds are made of water. I think it is clear who is cowardly, morally and ethically bankrupt here…
I was CC’d on the above communication between Maciej and Douglas, and joined in the dialog:
Hello Mr. MacMartin, our legal team (Legal Alliance to Stop Geoengineeing, LASG) recently conducted a survey of almost 1500 climate scientists/meteorologists. These academicians were asked if they were willing to deny (on the record) ongoing geoengineering deployment. Not a single scientist was willing to deny the geoengineering reality Mr. MacMartin, not one. Are you willing to tell us on the record that you know with certainty that global geoengineering/climate engineering/solar radiation management/stratospheric aerosol injection programs have not yet been deployed? Survey of 1500 scientists/meteorologists (the entire list of academicians surveyed is contained in the link, PDF file) FYI I have been on conference calls all week with a growing # of attorneys that are joining our effort, geoengineering will be exposed, wait and see. When that happens, how will the public react to your narrative of denial which in effect has helped to cover up the ongoing climate engineering crimes? Time will soon enough reveal the answer to that question. Sincerely Dane Wigington
Response from MacMartin (MacMynowski):
Hi Dane, Yes, there is no deployment anywhere of any deliberate stratospheric aerosol injection program that is intended to significantly alter the climate. If there were some clandestine operation somewhere on the globe that was big enough to matter, we would be able to detect it from satellite data. The fact that most scientists don’t waste their time responding to random emails from people doesn’t prove that they believe such a program exists. I tend to get about 100 emails a day on average, I can’t possibly waste my time responding to everything that comes in. A quick skim of some of the responses you got makes it quite obvious that no-one believes such a program exists. I also think that if you demanded of 1500 scientists that they deny that the moon is made of blue cheese, you would find very few who would open the email and bother responding. If you think that that means that scientists think that the moon is made of blue cheese, you would be certifiably delusional. Please do not post material stating that I am a liar when you have no evidence of such a statement (and indeed, since that statement is false, it is you who are a liar, you who are deliberately deceiving innocent people). I think that either you are incapable of rational thought, or morally repugnant. You would be wise to stop and think clearly before trying to spread false information. There are real problems in this world that demand real attention. Inventing fake ones is a waste of everyone’s time. Doug
My reply to MacMartin (MacMynowski):
Mr. MacMartin, it seems you continue to irrationally display your adversity to reality. As a “scientist” you can amazingly say with certainty that you somehow that no climate engineering programs have been deployed anywhere by anyone? And for proof you state you would “detect” such spraying activity from satellite data? Though 1500 scientists refused to deny the climate engineering issue on the record, you somehow know for certain that no climate engineering whatsoever is taking place? Perhaps you need to take a closer look at some satellite images Douglas, which you claim prove there is nothing going in our skies. FYI, there are countless satellite images that clearly show ongoing aerosol operations, clearly not commercial traffic, geoengineering trails satellite images If your claim is that this is all just “condensation trails” Mr. MacMartin, this also does not hold up to any legitimate investigation.
Are the NASA satellite images in the link below also just “natural cloud cover” Douglas?
or these NASA images
Perhaps you should comb through this 750 page historical congressional document on global climate intervention programs and explain to us all why we should ignore it.
The final statements in your message to me truly reveal an irrational desperation to deny on your part, Mr. MacMartin. [The quote from MacMartin is below].
“I also think that if you demanded of 1500 scientists that they deny that the moon is made of blue cheese, you would find very few who would open the email and bother responding. If you think that that means that scientists think that the moon is made of blue cheese, you would be certifiably delusional.
“Please do not post material stating that I am a liar when you have no evidence of such a statement (and indeed, since that statement is false, it is you who are a liar, you who are deliberately deceiving innocent people). I think that either you are incapable of rational thought, or morally repugnant. You would be wise to stop and think clearly before trying to spread false information.
“There are real problems in this world that demand real attention. Inventing fake ones is a waste of everyone’s time.”
The public is rapidly waking up to the willful mass deception being propagated from the very “academicians” like yourself that the public has been so well trained to trust. I would ask you, Mr. MacMartin, how do you think the population will react (once fully awakened to the truth) to individuals such as yourself who have done everything in their power to hide the lethal climate engineering reality from them? Do you not believe that such an awakened public will hold people like you legally and morally accountable as accessories in the crimes of the climate engineering cover-up? Time will soon enough tell as the critical mass of awakening draws near. About my statements relating to your total disregard for the truth, I stand by them. There are only three possibilities in your case, Mr. MacMartin, either you are criminally negligent in your knowledge of the very profession in which you claim to be an expert, or you are visually challenged and cannot see the blatant aerosol spraying that is so clearly visible in countless satellite images that you claim prove there is no aerosol spraying, or finally, yes, for whatever reason or motive, you are willfully choosing to deceive the population on this most critical issue, Mr. MacMartin.
The truth about the ongoing climate engineering reality will soon be known by all, Douglas, wait and see. When that time comes, you, and all those like you (who have willfully deceived the public about the geoenigneering reality and dangers), will face the public’s demand for legal and moral accountability.
Dane Wigington
(To read the original article go here)
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