Did vaccines "eradicate" smallpox? Arguably, no.

To begin, "Modern beliefs and opinions about the validity of vaccine science are based on the thinking and observations of British physician Edward Jenner (1749-1823). Jenner’s experiments during the late 18th century, when he was searching for a way to prevent smallpox, gained for him widespread fame as the father of immunology.
Jenner formulated his theory of vaccination based on a hunch he had after hearing rumors about dairymaids in England being protected against smallpox after having contracted cowpox. It is reported that Jenner overheard a dairymaid say, “I shall never have smallpox for I have had cowpox. I shall never have an ugly pockmarked face.”
In order to test the theory, on May 14, 1796, he removed some fluid from a dairy maid named Sarah (Nelmes) and then injected it into the arm of James Phipps, a healthy 8-year old boy. … Phipps contracted cowpox, and six weeks later Jenner injected him with smallpox, in which he took the fluid from an actual pock. When James did not come down with smallpox, Jenner concluded that cowpox protect the human constitution from the infection of smallpox. This indeed is the entire basis upon which the entire field of vaccination rests.
What is seldom mentioned in the popular retelling of this story is that Jenner re-vaccinated James Phipps 20 times, and that Phipps died of tuberculosis when he was 20 years old. Jenner also vaccinated his 11-month-old son Edward at least twice.
Young Edward Jenner was reported to have had a bad reaction to the smallpox vaccination his father gave him and shown signs of “mild mental retardation.”6 7 He also succumbed to tuberculosis when he was 21 years old.
It is interesting to note that tuberculosis has been linked to the smallpox vaccine. Alexander Wilder, MD, professor of pathology and former editor of The New York Medical Times said in the 19th century:
Vaccination is the infusion of contaminating element into the system, and after such contamination you can never be sure of regaining the former purity of the body. Consumption follows in the wake of vaccination as certainly as effect follows cause.
Roman Bystrianyk and Suzanne Humphries MD noted that from 1859 to 1922, “official deaths related to [smallpox] vaccination were more than 1,600 in England and that from 1906 to 1922 the recorded deaths “from smallpox vaccination and smallpox were approximately the same.” In the United States, the last death from smallpox occurred in 1948. Since then, there have been between 200 and 300 deaths in the U.S. attributed to the smallpox vaccine.
There is an abundance of historical data that shows the smallpox vaccine was not the “silver bullet” that many believe was solely responsible for saving the world from the scourge of smallpox. To the contrary, the vaccine may have done more harm than good. There were many smallpox epidemics in Europe during the second half of the 19th century in which the vast portion of those who died from the disease had been vaccinated. By 1901, more people in the United Kingdom had died from the smallpox vaccine than from the disease itself."

Some Smallpox vaccination history:
“One of the vaccine industries’ most magnificent boasts is entirely untrue. They claim a vaccine created by Dr. Edward Jenner eradicated smallpox. Many people believed this claim until the internet information age came about. Now they are trying to shut down the internet sites that spread the truth through censorship. They do not want the truth about vaccines to be available—here are some of the facts they don’t want you to know.
The vaccine did not eradicate smallpox. The smallpox vaccine was a horrendous, life-altering, or life-ending product—some towns avoided it like the plague, no pun intended.
Variolation or Inoculation was used in an attempt to immunize individuals against smallpox (Variola). They inserted or rubbed powdered smallpox scabs or fluid from pustules into superficial scratches made in the skin. 1789 Edward Jenner had experimented with his son creating the vaccination using swinepox and years later with cowpox. After he inoculated his son at least twice, his son soon developed a mild form of mental retardation. His son was 21 when he died of tuberculosis (TB). Jenner then chooses not to vaccinate his other son. So the supposed creator of the vaccine became anti-vaccination? It appears so.
One of the worst smallpox epidemics in the history of worldwide epidemics was in 1870-1872 in England. This was almost twenty years after compulsory vaccination took place. In the town of Leicester, England, 314 died from smallpox even though nearly all were fully vaccinated. As a result of the vaccine failure and the carnage caused by the vaccine, Leicester’s people revolted and stopped vaccinating. Many went to jail, and a vast number were fined for violating the mandatory vaccination laws. But they stood firm and had a strong desire not to vaccinate even if it meant jail time.
Another smallpox epidemic took place in the early 1890s. The Leicester citizens once again refused to vaccinate and instead relied on better sanitation and quarantines.
The unvaccinated town had only one death during that entire epidemic. On the other hand, the people from different cities (who had been vaccinated) died in large numbers. More people who received the vaccine died than those who were not.
The medical and pharmaceutical industry likes to boast that drug companies stopped the spread of the disease when, in fact, strict surveillance, quarantines, better water, and overall living conditions is what did it— not the vaccine. There is an abundance of evidence showing the absolute carnage that took place due to the vaccine and how it helped spread the disease.”
See also: https://youtu.be/z7Az7jlvb3c
"I am just going to put my sweet little find here for you:
It is a book written in 1889 called "45 years of Registration Statistics, Proving Vaccination to be both useless and dangerous". It covers 45 years (so starting in the year 1844) the statistics of vaccine FAILURES including an INCREASE in death from other diseases once the blood has been poisoned by vaccination. They cover the health of the vaccinated VERSES the UNvaccinated.....bad news for the vaccinated...they were dying more from other diseases such as measles, mumps, smallpox and diphtheria because of a weakened countenance from vaccines. This was covered 128 years ago.
Oh and all you "The science is settled on Vaccines" People... Nope. It never has been settled. They knew it was hurting mankind." -Robin Goffe
Dr. Vernon Coleman on How the Smallpox Vaccine Did Not Eradicate Smallpox: "
One of the medical profession’s greatest boasts is that it eradicated smallpox through the use of the smallpox vaccine. I myself believed this claim for many years. But it simply isn’t true. One of the worst smallpox epidemics of all time took place in England between 1870 and 1872—nearly two decades after compulsory vaccination was introduced. After this evidence that smallpox vaccination didn’t work the people of Leicester in the English midlands refused to have the vaccine any more.
When the next smallpox epidemic struck in the early 1890s the people of Leicester relied upon good sanitation and a system of quarantine. There was only one death from smallpox in Leicester during that epidemic. In contrast the citizens of other towns (who had been vaccinated) died in vast numbers.
Doctors and drug companies may not like it but the truth is that surveillance, quarantine and better living conditions got rid of smallpox—not the smallpox vaccine.
When the World Health Organization campaign to rid the world of smallpox was at its height the number of cases of smallpox went up each time there was a large scale (and expensive) mass vaccination of populations in susceptible countries. As a result of this the WHO changed its strategy. Mass vaccination programs were abandoned and replaced with surveillance, isolation and quarantine."
— Dr. Vernon Coleman, author and former UK general practitioner
"Vaccination Against Smallpox Despite Eradication:
The 33rd World Health Assembly officially reported that smallpox (variola) had been eradicated globally as of May 8, 1980.2 Agreeing that the variola virus, which causes smallpox, should be studied further, scientists and public health officials sanctioned the retention of stocks of variola for research purposes. Under the control of the World Health Organization (WHO), there are currently only two sites worldwide where the variola virus is stored and handled: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia, and the State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology in Koltsovo, Russia. An explosion at the Russian laboratory in September of 2019 reignited ongoing arguments over whether the stored smallpox virus samples should be destroyed.
Smallpox vaccinations are no longer recommended for the general population because the vaccine contains the live attenuated hyprid vaccinia virus that can cause a high rate of serious complications, including generalized and progressive vaccinia, myopericarditis, eczema vaccinatum, post-vaccinal encephalitis and death. However, after Sept. 9, 2011 (9/11), concerns over the potential use of weaponized smallpox by terrorists as a biological weapon against the U.S. population prompted the George W. Bush administration to launch the National Smallpox Vaccination Program, primarily for military service members and first responders. The rationale was that soldiers and health care workers would be “most likely to be targeted and exposed in terror attacks domestically or abroad.”
Since 2002, more than 2.4 million military service members have been given smallpox vaccinations.
Delivery Method for Smallpox Vaccine Increases Risk:
The smallpox vaccine is made using the live attenuated vaccinia virus, which is similar to smallpox but not as lethal. Nevertheless, because the vaccine uses a live virus and not one that has been inactivated (killed), there are precautionary guidelines in place, such as covering the vaccine site, both to minimize risks for the vaccinated individual and to avoid spreading vaccine strain virus infection to others.
Administration of the smallpox vaccine has changed very little since the early days of vaccination in the late 18th century. Bifurcated, or two-pronged, needles are used to repeatedly pierce the skin to introduce the live virus. The procedure is similar to the process used in tattooing. Both tattoos and vaccines have been shown to affect the immune response at the injection site, which can result in opportunistic infections, benign or malignant tumors, and immune system reactions.
It also has been recognized that the live vaccinia virus is more readily able to spread among immunocompromised persons (including skin that has been altered by tattooing), increasing the risk of an adverse reaction. Recognizing the synergistic potential for complications associated with tattoos and vaccination, vaccine providers are cautioned to avoid tattooed skin in choosing a vaccination site.
Since 2005, 13 cases of complications related to tattoos and smallpox vaccination have been reported to the national Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). Less than one percent of vaccine reactions that occur in the U.S. are reported to VAERS, so the actual number of smallpox vaccine adverse events involving vaccine strain virus infections may be much higher."