Ivy Pruss states:
FEVERS KILL INFECTION. Love this design by our God!
Fevers are good - Here's why:
The immune system is a muscle and needs to be exercised as such
Fever is your immune system flexing it's muscles
Fever occurs to allow your immune system to function at a greater level
Its the way the immune system responds to fend off infection and strengthen the body
Our normal body temp is prime condition for harmful bacteria and viruses to replicate and infiltrate our healthy cells in optimum fashion
Bacteria and viruses both die at different temperatures
Your body raises to correct temp to eliminate the bacteria or virus
Fevers rise and brake in waves throughout the day and night -over several days so your good bacteria that's helping you fight don't die along with the invader
As your body temp rises your CD8+ cytotoxic T cells rise
They're special lymphocyte that destroy cancerous cells and cells infected with viruses
Neutrophils also rise along with fever - they're unique cells that selectively target infectious bacterial cells.
If your temp rises more than what your brain can handle you can have a seizure
A brief seizure will not cause permanent damage - it’s a built in reset feature
Popular fever reducers like Tylenol, Motrin prolong the invader staying in the body longer than necessary because of lowering powerfully fever activity, thus keeping you sick longer. Not to mention the damaging effects they have on your liver - and eliminating your Glutathione production.
What can you do:
Drink rich liquids to fortify your body to do it's job like a boss!
Those are bone broths with lots of garlic and a hearty layer of fat!
Sweating it out is a wonderful technique
Elderberry Syrup
Up your probiotics substantially
If possible have someone make you fresh green juices from a juicer
Up your Vit C, A, D and E -make sure they're from non-gmo sources and not artificial which can be detrimental
Teas that are just wonderful and awesome are:
Lemon /Ginger Yerba Mate + add coconut oil
Moringa / Green Tea / Nettle etc
Diffusing high quality essential oils does wonders
Activated Charcoal does a wonderful job!
Stay away from people who've taken the flu shot or any other vaccine
They're SHEDDING man made disease which is WORSE than wild strains!
Courtney Workman adds:
Stay away from processed foods and sugar.
Elderflower is one of the best immune-supporting herbs. It also offers respiratory support, and helps to fight fevers naturally. (It doesn’t lower the fever, but can help it from getting too high or too uncomfortable.)
Cinnamon is anti-inflammatory and relieves pain. It also makes this remedy taste great!
Astralagus root is an all-around immune support.
Fennel seed is great for upset tummies, gas, bloating, and any other digestive distress your little one may be feeling. These lowly little seeds also help to ease congestion, and even ease fevers! They’re a super star.
Finally, echinacea helps to boost the immune system gently and naturally
To end, by Alysa Renee states:
Got a fever? Let it ride! Lemme tell you why.
Many mamas, including myself, have been conditioned to think that a common fever left untreated in our child is a seriously dangerous, seizure-inducing, brain-damaging thing. It is NOT!
We are not being told the truth.
Guess what? Fevers are the good guys!
Sadly, fevers are often misunderstood for what they really are: a healthy bodily function meant to jumpstart the immune system as a first-line offense against invaders.
Instead, according to a pediatrics study, 89 percent of parents get scared and reach for an over-the-counter fever-reducer before their child's temperature reaches 102 degrees.
Why are all the mamas panicking when fevers are actually good for the body?
Our "fever phobia" is preventing our child's healthy immune response from doing its job to create an unfriendly climate for the offending organisms. When the body turns up the internal heat, the microbes cannot replicate, and they die off. HELLO!
According to a 2015 medical study (link below), "there is mounting evidence that the increase of 1 to 4° [99.6 to 102.6] in core body temperature that occurs during fever is associated with IMPROVED survival and resolution of many infections. For example, the use of antipyretic (like Tylenol and Motrin) drugs to diminish fever correlates with a 5% INCREASE in death in human populations infected with influenza virus and negatively affects patient outcomes in the intensive care unit."
Using a simple, over the counter drug like Tylenol could increase the chances of death in my child by 5%!?
Here we are so afraid of a fever (a healthy response) and by rushing to reduce a fever with medication that has the risk of death, we could be unknowingly causing our child more suffering from the side effects of the medicine. Which range from liver and renal failure to severe skin disorders (google Stevens-Johnson syndrome) and gastrointestinal ulceration. Worse, we could be preventing their little body from being able to efficiently fight off infection. This can lead to further complications like sepsis, expensive hospital visits, and the likelihood of undesirable treatment.
So, why do fevers get such a bad rap?
According to Dr. Ari Brown, a pediatrician, and spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), "Nothing bad is going to happen if you don't treat the fever."
Despite their benefits, fevers happen to be one of the most common reasons that a parent seeks medical attention for their child. We read information with scary words like seizures, brain damage, and death. No wonder we are scared, and our doctors are quick to suggest treatment.
The truth is, fevers are rarely, if ever, dangerous
Seattle Children's Research Hospital, one of the top 10 children hospitals in the country, states on their website that "fevers with infections don't cause brain damage. Only temperatures above 108°F can cause brain damage. It's very rare for the body temperature to climb this high. It only happens if the air temperature is very high. An example is a child left in a closed car during hot weather."
Pediatric health care providers have a responsibility to educate parents regarding fever and its essential role in immunity; however, there seems to be a lot of confusion about elevated temperatures, even among the professionals.
Fevers are not only harmless, but they are also helpful.
Sometimes they may be uncomfortable, but they are serving a fundamental purpose. Before we rush to the cabinet for the Tylenol, let's give it some time to do its job.
Some tried and true ways to make your child more comfortable during a productive fever is by using cool cloths on the forehead and rubbing a drop or two of peppermint essential oil on the bottom of the feet. One of my favorite ways to safely support a healthy fever or anytime I want to boost the immune system is by having my kiddos soak in a warm detox bath.
“Fever is a mighty engine which nature brings into the world to the conquest of her enemies,” wrote the English physician Thomas Sydenham in the 1660s.
Now, before all the haters and trolls pipe up to tell me about all the kids that die. I hear you too. I am NOT advocating that you don't do what YOU think is best for YOUR child. My goal here is to pull back the veil of fear when it comes to fevers and let mamas know that they don't have to be afraid of a natural, healthy, immune response.
It is agonizing to watch our children work through these normal immune responses, but we must allow the body to do its job. The human body wants to be well. Everything within its design promotes homeostasis and balance. Such a simple thing, like not understanding the benefits of a fever, has caused more harm and heartache at the hospital than had the fever been left to run its course.
When you SHOULD go to the hospital with regards to fever:
• High fever with headache and stiff neck and inability to touch chin to chest.
• Dehydration, which includes dry lips, dry mouth, and no urination for 6 hours
• Rectal temperature greater than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit in children less than 2 months old
So, mama, the next time your child has a fever, take a deep breath and don't panic...the body is amazing. Just watch.
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